Who Are The Right People To Execute My Private Practice Vision?
Do you want your practice to be as SUCCESSFUL and as PROFITABLE as it can be? It’s a MUST to have a long-term private practice vision. Creating and articulating that Vision is a huge first step. (We discussed this in a previous blog post you can read here.)
Now you have to do what it takes to actually ACHIEVE that vision. First and foremost, don’t try to do it alone!
The following are the five types of people you must have in your organization if you want to steadily grow successfully. Ahead are roles played in an effective organization.
The Visionary
As the owner of your Practice, you and only you are the visionary in your organization. If vision-setting is not a personal strength, try using an outside facilitator to stimulate your thinking to create a bigger, forward-thinking view. Ultimately pick what YOU conceive and believe to be the future of your Practice. (Scheduling Institute can help you with this. Learn how here. )
Private Practice Vision: Leadership
Author Warren Bennis says, “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” As well as being the Visionary, YOU are the Primary Leader of your organization. In addition, you must have other Team Leaders whose job it is to translate your vision into reality – to execute your private practice vision. For instance, as the Primary Leader, decide what training should be the top priority this year. Your Team Leaders need to buy into that, then figure out the best way to get it done.
Gather team leaders you totally trust. To build Team Leaders in your organization, give them the opportunity and authority. Put them in charge and let them really lead, including letting them learn from their mistakes. (And yes, Scheduling Institute can help with this too! Our Doctor and Team Training Programs are designed to empower you and your team to transform your business.)
The Builder
A Builder creates processes and plans to run projects. You tell them WHAT needs to be done, and they figure out the HOW. They facilitate the process of getting it done by overseeing others (in most cases) who actually do the work. Aggressively grow your business by having numerous projects underway at all times. Furthermore, you’ll need more than one Builder. If you’re entirely too busy yourself, that alone is a sure sign you need a Builder or two to take things off your plate!
Similarly, you have to give your Builders the opportunity and the authority like your leaders. Allow them to learn from their mistakes. The lesson YOU will learn is who is not a good Builder. They will not get the job done (haven’t learned how to do better), or need constant direction and prodding. Select a capable person with initiative and resourcefulness.
The Manager
Virtually everything that goes on in the office is part of a well-defined process that you repeat over and over. A “Manager”-type person understands good MANAGING PROCESSES ensure they are executing consistently day-in and day-out. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are “managers.” They simply have the capability to take a process that has been created for them (e.g., by a Builder) and do a great job keeping that process going – effectively, efficiently, and consistently.
The Doer
Moreover, doers are your front-line people who actually “do the work.” (e.g., answer the phones, do the paperwork, manage the timing of patients in the office, ensure the equipment is ready, etc). Additionally, hands-on, detail-oriented, and have high standard individuals optimize your practice efficiency. In essence, they “do” their piece of the process perfectly every time. Hire top-notch Doers to get top-notch work done!
You are undoubtedly already thinking about whom in your organization should go where. To decide that, you first need to identify everyone’s strengths and weaknesses.
Some Cautions:
- An employee who has been there the longest doesn’t make them the most effective LEADER.
- Realistically, you liking her doesn’t mean she can BUILD an effective process or project plan.
- Just because he’s a strong performer in his current role doesn’t mean he wouldn’t get bored MANAGING PROCESSES that have to be the same day-in, day-out.
- Likewise, just because she’s a great DOER now doesn’t necessarily mean she can effectively handle additional responsibilities.
The right people on your team will make or break your success. Choose wisely! The ability to achieve your private practice vision as an organization is crucial!
You Need a Dream Team to Build a Dream Practice!
How can your team execute your private practice vision if they don’t understand it? If they aren’t engaged, excited, and motivated to help you grow — you will never achieve your goals for your practice. We’ve spent years developing the strategies to FIX THIS PROBLEM for good… And we are ready to share them with you!
The first step is to take the 5-Star Challenge to see how your team handles a new patient call to your practice. After all, how can your team achieve your vision for the practice if they bungle the very first interactions with prospective patients? Our practice growth specialists can put you on the road to empowering your team and yourself. Transform your practice to achieve your vision. Take the 5-Star Challenge and get moving!