Controlling Private Practice Cash Flow
6 Ways to Control Your Private Practice Cash Flow If a dentist collected $100,000 a month over a 25-year career, $30 million would flow through their checking account. What’s frightening is that many private practice owners still end up broke and in debt....
The Biggest Private Practice Risk is Not Taking Any
Risk and Your Private Practice: You Need It Consider this. What if you were trapped in a dark box, and you were forced to live for years in that dark box? What would you do? Wouldn’t you do everything you possibly could to escape? Well, what if we told you...
Executing Your Private Practice Vision
Who Are The Right People To Execute My Private Practice Vision? Do you want your practice to be as SUCCESSFUL and as PROFITABLE as it can be? It's a MUST to have a long-term private practice vision. Creating and articulating that Vision is a huge first step....
Harnessing the Power of Your Vision: Private Practice Results
“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” – Jack Welch, Former CEO of General Electric You may think of yourself first and foremost as a doctor, but you can’t...
10 Smart Private Practice Investments – Part 2
10 Smart Private Practice Investments for Doctors to Start 2021 Off Right: Part 2 In our last post, we gave you the first five smart private practice investments you should make to start the year off. Let’s dive into the next five areas you should invest in...
Private Practice Goals for 2021
GO AHEAD AND QUIT NOW Wait, what? That’s right, you heard us. Go ahead and quit now. If you’ve been reading our blog posts or listening to Jay’s podcast or really taking in any Scheduling Institute messages in 2020 you were probably thinking...
Developing the Gratitude Habit The Scheduling Institute Way
2020 Was Challenging. Set up 2021 By Reflecting On and Recognizing What You Did Accomplish. As we head into 2021, Scheduling Institute's CEO and founder, Jay Geier has been encouraging us to spend some time reflecting on 2020 and everything that went on....
How to Keep Your Private Practice in the Holiday Distraction Safety Zone
End of 2020 Opportunities for your Private Practice December is finally here – and all of the holiday celebrations and distractions that come with it are too. Before your team becomes scattered and unproductive, make a plan to create a holiday distraction...
‘Tis The Season – for your 2021 Marketing Plan
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – for your Private Practice's Marketing Plan The holiday season is upon us – and in addition to being a great time for your cash flow as patients rush in to use the last of their insurance benefits or get ready for family...
Marketing Your Practice | Improve with 4 Easy Steps
Marketing Your Practice in 4 Steps When it comes to marketing your practice, you’re never really finished. As the world changes, so does your marketing. This year has proved that over and over! But even before 2020, this was true. For this reason, it...