2019 Results Creator Bootcamp Winner Revealed!
What started as an informative virtual lesson for Scheduling Institute's Results Creator Bootcamp series ended in confetti, laughter, and a lot of jumping. As our CEO Jay Geier finished up his live virtual lesson, Dr. David Blanchard’s face flashed on the...
Private Practice Tips: A Great Mindset for New Opportunities
One of the words being thrown around a lot these days is "unprecedented." But what does it mean regarding your private practice? In the context of COVID-19, this word is usually negative and scary. But maybe it’s time we reframe how we approach...
Jay Geier Awarding $200,000 in Grants For Front Desk Team Members Worldwide
We can all use doses of Good News in life. It has become especially important in the past few months to find positive mental nutrition in the midst of all the bleak headlines and reports on the news feeds. The Geier Family has one for you that’s a...
What Your Team Needs To Hear Right Now
Thankfully, it looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is now in sight for Team businesses as restrictions are set to lift soon in many places. But even after state and local governments give the green light for businesses to reopen, the recovery...
Medical Practice Marketing Consultants: While Temporarily Closed
Medical Practice Marketing Consultants You’ve likely heard in the news that there are plans in place to start a phased approach to reopening the country, so let's do a bit of role playing. Tomorrow, the governor in your state declares that it is now okay to reopen...
Healthcare Success: Crisis Management With A 90 Day Plan
Healthcare Success: Defend Your Future with Crisis Management If you haven’t already done so, it is important to take the time to sit down and create a detailed 90 or 120-day personal finance plan. The goal of this plan is simple: you need to protect your cash!...
Ways to Grow: Start Thinking Like a CEO
Ways to Grow: A Business Mindset There are some brutal facts that need to be addressed about your practice (your business) in our current crisis reality. This is not the time for living in denial or indulging in escapism. It’s time for you to take your...
Crisis Management: Managing Your Relationships
As this unprecedented crisis period continues, it is essential that private practice owners step up to the plate and take a leadership role. Your team and your loved ones are looking for direction on how to navigate these turbulent times. We may be in the...
Crisis Management: The First Decision You Need to Make
As you are more than aware, we are going through a major crisis right now, and that’s putting it lightly. But instead of giving in to the doom and gloom, Jay Geier and the Scheduling Institute want to focus on how you can remain productive and optimistic...
Keep Your Practice Ahead Of The Coronavirus – 20 Strategies
As everyone now knows, the coronavirus is rapidly spreading across the globe with tens of thousands of confirmed cases and multiple outbreaks in the United States. Related to the common flu, COVID-19 causes similar symptoms such as fever, coughing, and shortness of...