Call (833) 935-0105 for Scheduling Assistance.
By submitting this form or requesting information, you agree to receive commercial communications from us via regular mail, facsimile, email, or other electronic means, including an automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial prerecorded voice message, unless you submit an electronic or other written request to opt out of receiving them.
Additionally, you agree to have the Scheduling Institute perform a free Mystery Call to your office, which will be recorded and evaluated using its 5-star rating scale. If you are not the owner of the practice, you represent that you have obtained permission from the owner to authorize the Mystery Call. You also represent that you have obtained permission to record the Mystery Call from all employees who may answer the call. Results will be sent to you confidentially.
Without your practice phone number, the 5-Star Challenge cannot be completed.
Our auditor will call this phone number to complete your practice’s mystery call.
We recommend you provide your personal email address and mobile number so we can communicate with you directly regarding your 5-Star Challenge results.
Your confidentiality is our top priority! We respect your privacy and will share this private information about your practice directly with you.
If you provide your office contact information, it is likely that your results will be intercepted and you may never receive them.