Request Your Free Mystery Shopper Audit
Get an undercover look at how effective your front desk is at turning inbound calls into scheduled appointments
Your phones are ringing, but are those calls actually turning into scheduled new patients?
Get the inside scoop about your patient intake process with a free mystery call and report. We will anonymously call your practice, grade your front desk’s ability to get potential new patients through the door and in your pipeline, and send you a full report.
What to Expect
Your Mystery Call is designed to tell you how effective your staff is at turning potential new patients who call into actual scheduled appointments.
Fill out the form above to request your free Mystery Shopper Audit.
Your office will receive a mystery phone call from our team. We’ll analyze this call to build your custom report.
You’ll receive your personalized Mystery Shopper Audit Report, which breaks down your practice’s score on a scale from 0-5. We’ll call you to review your results and answer any questions.
How Our Mystery Callers Have Helped Thousands of Doctors Like You
Get the Insights You Need to Improve Your Practice
Right now, you may be letting potential new patients slip by every day simply by not handling that first phone call correctly.
That misstep could be costing you tens of thousands in collections.
Request a Mystery Caller to get the inside scoop on how potential new patient calls are being handled. You’ll get a graded report in the mail and a follow-up phone call from our team to review results, answer your questions, and provide next steps for how you can transform your front desk into a new patient intake machine—generating 10 to 40% new patients for your practice.